Business Valuation: Business valuation is a process and a set of procedures used to estimate the economic value of an owner’s interest in a business.
Valuation Services
Do you own a business or a business interest (less than 100% of a business)? What do you think your business interest is worth? Why would you need to have your business interest valued by a credentialed appraiser? Valuations of business interest are needed for:
- Estate and gift tax purposes
- Allocation of purchase price
- Shareholder/Partner disputes
- Shareholder/Partner buyout agreements
- Marital dissolutions
Litigation Support
There are times when you may be involved in litigation or have insurance claims that require financial damage calculations and reporting. Stanley Smith is experienced in providing these services for:
- Determination of business interruption and lost profits
- Determination of financial losses resulting from illegal acts
- Expert testimony
- Assisting the legal team in developing the document requests and interrogatories
- Consulting for depositions